White dog on rock overlooking mountain lake
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Preparing Images for Websites

Images can make (or break) your website page or post. When you prepare your images for your website properly, you will save time and create better content, a better user experience, and a higher-performing page. While it takes extra time and attention to detail, it will pay off in the end. Take a look at part 1 of our two-part blog post on how to properly prepare your images for the web. In part 1, you will learn where to find free and paid images. And you will also learn how to select just the right image for your website.

Slide Presentation Template

Links open in new tabs Title Slide Conference Name Date Presented by: Name About this Presentation https://radiatewp.com/slide-presentation-template/ Section Title Slide Subtitle Slide image left and list right Notes/Resources for Slide 1 Some notes about the slide above The final part of this resource section – Aliquam orci felis, rutrum at lacus vel, mattis congue sapien….