“Maintain” Plan

You have chosen our most basic plan called the “Maintain Plan.” This plan is best for sites that do not have complex customizations or high traffic. With this plan, we keep the site updated while giving you peace of mind knowing that you have someone to call if something goes wrong.

What’s included?

  • Plugin licenses – we pay for your plugin licenses.
  • Automated Plugin Updates, Hosting, Single Domain SSL Certificate
  • Backups, Security Monitoring, and Malware Removal

What if I need help?

We are always here to help! Just because support time is not included in the “Maintain” and “Grow” plans, doesn’t mean we cannot support you. We offer prepaid support blocks that you can purchase and these support blocks do not expire. You can also save money by buying in blocks of 5 or 10 hours as the price per hour is discounted.

One thing that we always recommend to our Maintain Plan members is that they purchase a 5-hour block of support when they begin their plan. It is common for websites that have not been updated to have some support issues the first couple of months as they are brought up to date. Having a support block in place allows us to use this support time to get your site up to speed as quickly as possible.

What do I do next?

One of our team members will be in contact with you shortly. So relax, because you have us on your team now.


Managing a website is a lot! We never want your questions to go unanswered. To help with this, we have a special email address just for our clients that is monitored by our entire team. If you have any questions at all, please email us at [email protected]. (And don’t forget the wp. Unfortunately, we do not own the address radiate.com)